07 February 2020
07 November 2019
07 October 2017
19 August 2009
Two Years Later...
Two years have passed now -- one more year to go in my studies toward a MA in theology.
Two years hopefully further forward in my journey in seeking His face.
What a journey it has been.
It is difficult to let go of hurt, traumatic situations one has been dealt in life.... even more difficult is it to forgive. But in order to "press on" (Phil. 3:12-16), I had to forgive and to let go.
Now I can more freely "approach Him", as so many did in the gospels -- and they saw His face, His eyes, and were touched by Him.
Wonder where the journey will take me this coming 'school year'?
Two years hopefully further forward in my journey in seeking His face.
What a journey it has been.
It is difficult to let go of hurt, traumatic situations one has been dealt in life.... even more difficult is it to forgive. But in order to "press on" (Phil. 3:12-16), I had to forgive and to let go.
Now I can more freely "approach Him", as so many did in the gospels -- and they saw His face, His eyes, and were touched by Him.
Wonder where the journey will take me this coming 'school year'?
29 August 2007
New chapter to begin....
After 16 years in my current assignment, I have been asked to pursue a Masters Degree in Theology.
This will be quite an adventure for me, but with the encouragement offered to me by many as I anticipate the day of my departure from here to Philadelphia, I believe the Lord awaits me there to offer me new blessings in my life.
What a great opportunity to be given the time to pursue studies that will bring me ever closer to Him to Whom I have given my life!
I have never studied theology, nor have I ever been to Philadelphia.
But, off I go!
Hopefully I'll be able to share what blessings I receive.
Peace & every blessing....
This will be quite an adventure for me, but with the encouragement offered to me by many as I anticipate the day of my departure from here to Philadelphia, I believe the Lord awaits me there to offer me new blessings in my life.
What a great opportunity to be given the time to pursue studies that will bring me ever closer to Him to Whom I have given my life!
I have never studied theology, nor have I ever been to Philadelphia.
But, off I go!
Hopefully I'll be able to share what blessings I receive.
Peace & every blessing....
24 February 2007
A Miracle - thanks to the Mercy of God

I apologize for the "silence" of non-blogging ....
but, out of the silence of nothingness, I thought you might rejoice in a miracle that was shared with me by a friend.
This friend of mine .... her husband was at home, with incurable cancer. It was doubtful he would make it until Christmas. So, my friend started already making funeral arrangements. Everything would be held at her parish.
Her husband, we knew, was not Catholic. In fact, a promise they made to each other was not to discuss religion. So, for the time of their entire marriage, it was never brought up.
The morning is the Feast of Holy Innocents. My friend is at the parish, meeting with the pastor and the deacon. After talking about funeral preparations, the deacon asked my friend, do we know what faith your husband is? do we even know if he's baptized?
She didn't know.... there was that promise .....
The priest and the deacon asked her to go home and find out from his kids.
They didn't know.
She was afraid to go to him and ask ....
but one of his daughters encouraged her -- the time is now -- and it is important to know.
"Tom, have you ever been baptized?" He said, "NO".
She pursued it: "Have you ever thought about it? Would you like to be baptized?"
He answered her, "Yes".
Her heart leaping and racing, she explained, "I can call Father, or the deacon, or I can even baptize you.... but, if Father or the deacon baptize you, you would be baptized Catholic."
He said, "Fine".
Within the hour, my friend's pastor was at their house ...
"Tom, the whole parish has been praying for you."
"A lot of good it did" in his dry sense of humor, as best as he could do.
And, Tom, after 80 years of never being baptized, and living without ever showing any favor to Catholics, was baptized, confirmed, and given the Holy Eucharist, on this Feast of Holy INNOCENTS. And, his soul for sure was dressed in the white garb of INNOCENCE!
and, then ....
after midnight, Solemnity of Holy Mother of God, with a choir on TV singing Hallelujah! and We're making our way to Heaven .....
Tom died, and made his way into the arms of our Loving Father!
You had to have known Tom ....
one of those "anonymous Christians" ....
and what a miracle,
and what a powerful witness to the Mercy of God.
20 July 2006
Desire to Change .... Desire to Go Deeper

A priest that I email each week read over my notes that I jotted down during my retreat last month. I wanted him to give me what he thought God's overall message to me was.
"Go deeper!"
I think you are too weak to change your life from its addiction to work.
You have to want to change.
I don't know if you want to change.
Maybe a spiritual director could help you start to change the tide.
And you need outside help.
How much louder does the Lord have to speak in order to get my attention?
and yet, it is what I desire ....
so.... what's taking me so long to even get started?
ah..... routine, rut, no boundaries .....
can't do it alone, on my own will-power.
my desire, an outside person who cares, and the Lord.
I hope to get there --
Get moving!
Get silent!
Give the Lord some time with your heart!